Seafood panaché

Serves 4.

  • 4 medallions of monkfish
  • 2 fillets of salmon
  • 250g mussels
  • 250g clams
  • 8 prawns
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 125g fresh cream
  • 20g butter
  • 2 T cognac
  • 1 T sriracha chilli sauce
  • 2 stalks of dill
  • 1 shallot
  • red pepper corns
  • cracked black pepper


Clean and prepare the mussels. Rinse them as well as the clams. Drain them and then steam for 4min until the mussels and clams open. Put these aside.
Melt the butter in a cast iron pot, sweat the shallot until transparent. Add the fish stock, cognac, fresh cream, sriracha and black pepper. Cook for 4min on medium heat. Add the salmon, monkfish and prawns in the sauce and cook for a further 10min until the fish fillets are well done. Lastly add the garlic, dill, red pepper corns and then the seafood. Mix well and serve immediately.