Batch-cooking: A dozen pizzas

 Makes 12-16 pizzas.


  • 1kg pizza dough
  • tomato sauce
  • toppings
  • gratted cheese
  • mixed herbs


To batch cook pizzas, divide the work as follows: (1) dough making and rolling out, (2) tomato sauce making and spreading, (3) garnishing, (4) baking, and (5) freezing.

Prepare the dough and tomato sauce. Separate the dough into balls, transfer the tomato sauce to a bowl and let it coold down.

Prepare the garnishing space with all the toppings.

It's important to have fun! Vary the pizza sizes, shapes and toppings.

For each individual pizza: proceed by rolling out a ball of dough (1) and spreading the tomato sauce (2). Then garnish it with toppings (3).

Bake the pizzas in batches of three to four pizzas (4).

 Let them cool down before freezing them (5).