Try this healthier version instead of classic mayonnaise, it's delicious with potato salad, coleslaw and as a salad dressing for a Russian salad (Macédoine de légumes), or fish nuggets.
- 2 or 3 hard boiled egg yolks
- 2 T apple cider vinegar
- 2 t Dijon mustard
- 2 T Saint Môret/Philadelphia or Carré Frais
- 250ml Fromage blanc
- 1/2 t to 1 t Garlic powder
- A squeeze of tomato paste
- A splash of olive oil (optional)
With a fork, mash the yolks in a small salad bowl.
Add the apple cider vinegar and mix to a smooth paste (try to remove as many lumps as possible.
Add the mustard and garlic powder mixing to a smooth paste, then add the cream cheese. Add a squeeze of tomato paste and a slug of olive oil.
Change to a whisk and slowly add the fromage blanc.
Serve whenever you need a mayonnaise without a concern for the fat content 😎
Keeps for about 3 to 4 days in the fridge.